Monday, March 30, 2009

There is something I've glimpsed of for myself in dreams, and have been told by other pyschics-that one day I would teach children with the natural talent I was born with-those with psychic/medium/healing abiltiy to maximize their potential, and that I would "just know what to do" in these classroom situations to really amplify their talents. I'm good with children (I am a Leo, the sign that aligns closely with children.), and I have never "talked down" to them, which I think kids get an immediate sense if you do that to them, and then they automatically close off to you. I'm also all about fun along with learning, if I were to run a classroom such as this, I feel that it would be amazing, if I do say so myself! The good things put out into the world due to these special kids maximizing their gifts will be incredible and intense. I only wonder how different my life would have been, if I too had an opportunity like this classroom I dream of teaching someday, when I was young. If only I never had to suppress this!

(I am aware that if you are psychic you should never attempt to "read your own future" nor am I saying that if you tried, you'd be able to. I am saying that I've had many dreams that foretold future events that would eventually come true for myself and others, and that this was one of my many reocuring dreams. I have been recording my dreams for almost two and a half years, and almost 70% have been almost right on the money accurate in "coming true". )

I don't have any children of my own, but have always admired kids so much. I see their natural gifts and talents shining through, almost as if they have a road post by them, and can sense the journey they have ahead. I do believe that the best promoters who can see "star potential" are also psychic. I am especially in tune with children and their "fame potential." They already have the sparkling stars shining around them, I see with my mind's eye.

I am always interested in other people who know they also have a gift such as psychic and medium talents. I want to know your experiences, visions, dreams, and anything you've experienced that can't be easily explained. In this world we live in people are so afraid to talk about their "paranormal" or otherwise psychic/medium experiences sometimes, for fear of "looking crazy", but lets get over that, and talk about this in an open manner! Please email me any comments or suggestions you would like, no need to hold back! Peace and love to you, Laurie